UPDATE: All these points are now out-dated. To find out latest pros and cons PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING POST: Google's Response To Our Post On Dynamic Views
To view your blog in dynamic view simply replace our URL with yours,
1. Doesn't Support AdSense Integration
Strange but true! There is no option available in the Design section where you can paste your AdSense code and make Ads appear on your blog.
2. No Widget Support
There is no layout section (Page Elements) where you may add new
gadgets. The HTML/Javascript widget in the custom templates allows you
to add almost any widget you like. May that be Adsense code, Buysellads
code or important widgets like Popular posts, Recent Comments, Recent posts etc. Your blog will only contain the post body and a sidebar and amazingly both these areas can not be edited.
In short at present you can not add widgets in Blogger Dynamic Views.
3. No Edit HTML Option
The Edit HTML option lets you upload custom blogspot templates.
It lets you completely change the look of your blog by applying new
plugins and themes. You can introduce new widget sections, adjust
columns, edit post body, add JavaScript, add jquery and anything you can
think of. Unfortunately Dynamic views offer no Edit HTML
functionality. Clicking the design link on your dashboard takes you to
the auto Edit area where you can only change the font colors, font
family and background color and styles. But you can not upload a new
template and can not EDIT the HTML of your blog layout. You can not add
social media plugins below post titles or any other plugin inside the
post body. Neither can you manually add widgets that I discussed above
to your template. No Edit HTML section means no Difference between Blogger and Wordpress.
If you are using draft.blogger.com then you will observe that the Edit
HTML button is not active in your Dashboard for your blog that is using
Dynamic views.
3. Dynamic Views are not SEO Friendly
Complex web scripts control the display of your blog which includes
AJAX. Google spiders can only read text. They are blind to images,
videos, flash and Javascript. To access a new page Google robots use the
links on your site. Some links such the "Comments link" in Dynamic view
asks the user to click it so that comments may be loaded but Spider can
not do that. Comments are hidden to spiders when they crawl the
content. Comments have therefore chances of being left out of index by
Google spiders. There is a greater chance that your comments will not be
indexed which means you are loosing 50% content of your post and thus
loosing some important keywords which users leave while commenting. Most
of the traffic to blogs depend largely on the comments left by the
Due to no Edit HTML support we can not optimize certain links that can
effect site ranking. Neither can you add meta tags such as meta
Further Read more link doesn't work in dynamic Views which means half your content will be ignored during crawling.
4. Loss of Page Views and Page Impressions
All pages load in a single window with requesting the browser to reload.
A reference is sent through AJAX that tells the browser to remain in
the same window and load only the post body without loading the sidebar
and other sections. Even if Adsense integration is allowed in future,
your revenue will tremendously drop due to loss of pageviews. Pageviews
matter because you you don't just get paid for the clicks but also for
each 1000 impressions/pageviews made on your blog. This is what we call
Cost per thousand Impressions (CPI or CPM)
5. Browser Compatibility Issues
The Template is build using latest in web technology like AJAX, HTML5
and CSS3. Internet Explorer which is the second largely used browser
doesn't support CSS3 and HTML5 completely at present. So the results
would look different on different browsers.
6. Jump Break Does not Work
You can not attach a read more link by summarizing your posts. The posts
do not expand when the read more link or Jump Break link is clicked.
Visit this Link to see it for yourself. None of my post is accessible to
the user. So if you have decided to shift to Dynamic views than you
will have to manually remove jump breaks from all your posts. Imagine
removing the "Read more Link" manually from over 500 posts!
7. No professional Touch
Your blog wont look any different from those half a million blogs who have selected Dynamic Views as their default template.
8. Not SMO Friendly
Dynamic views only have Google+ , Facebook like and Twitter buttons added by default at the bottom of each post. But you can not add your Facebook Like box
and other social media plugins to the post section or anywhere else.
Indeed a big issue concerned with social media optimization.
9. You can not add Drop Down Menu
Would you love visiting a blog or site with no navigation menu? Of
course you would hate it. At present you can only add Page Links but no
custom installation of a drop down menu is supported. You can not provide your readers with easy navigation option and that sounds weird!
10. No Favicon, No Blog Logo
Neither can you add a background image to the header of your blog nor
can you add a favicon. So you have no option at present to display your
blog logo either on header or as Favicon.
Share your thoughts
I can go on with the list and share several other drawbacks of these new
templates introduced by Blogger team but I would love to know what are
your views and how far do you agree to the facts shared above. Peace and
blessings pals. :)