1. Floating Facebook Twitter Counters
2. Sliding +1 Counters & More
3. Facebook Style Social Share Buttons -Below Post Titles
4. Add Social Networking counters Below Blog Titles
5. Digg, Retweet Buttons and More -Below Post Titles
6. Google+, twitter, stumbleupon - Below Post Titles
7. Google Buzz Follow and Count Buttons
8. 1+ Count Buttons
9. LinkedIn Share Count Buttons
10. Facebook Like and Send Button
11. Facebook send button
12. Bookmark and Share Widget
13. Social Bookmarking and Share widget
14. Show Followers Count Of RSS, Facebook and Twitter
15. Social Media Widget With Search Box
16. Share Buttons For Post Bottom
17. Customize Twitter Follow Button in 7 ways!
18. Create Custom Follower Counters
20. Do You Like This Story?
If I have missed mentioning any widget that we already published then please let me know. I will publish some more as my vocations just started. Hope you will like this post. Peace and blessings brothers and sisters. :)