Ok, now the
main thing which i want to share with you is the meaning of ALWAYS DRIVE
TRAFFIC, NEVER BUY TRAFFIC. There is a big difference between Good
Traffic and Good Quality Traffic. Always remember that good traffic is
not enough, you should have Quality traffic.
If you want thousands of visitors on your
blog/website daily and you can spend money, than advertising is the best
opportunity. But the question is WHERE TO SPEND THE MONEY? Obviously
your money is very precious and you do not want to loose even a single
dime of it. So choosing the right Advertising Network is very important.
You may have seen many websites offering Thousands of Guaranteed
Visitors for just few dollars. But you know, that traffic is only good
traffic, not Quality traffic. It will not help you in getting a good
page rank nor will it help you in making money. I have experienced such
Ads Network LINKBUCKS. They provide 10,000 visitors for just 10 dollars !
but believe me, that traffic was NOTHING for me. It was simply a waste
of time and money. Because in that case, your ad is shown forcefully to
the user. Just think by yourself, when you click to download something
and a window opens saying that you have to wait for 10 seconds to resume
the download, Have you ever seen the advertisement that is shown to you
in those 10 seconds ? NO. You just wait for those 10 seconds and as the
time is over, you simply leave the ad and go to your Download file
Page. Same will happen to you if you advertise on these networks. Your
page will be loaded in front of others forcefully and they will just
ignore it. SO please never try these Ads Networks. They will give you
NOTHING. This is BUYING Traffic.
If you really want to advertise your website/blog, than you must choose any one of the following :
- Google Adwords
- Facebook Advertising
- Chitika
- Adbrite
- Clicksor
I personally tried Adwords but believe me i was not satisfied due to my low budget. If you have low budget for Advertising, than i will strongly recommend you to use Facebook Ads. They will help you a lot. But if you have a strong Budget, than you can go through any of the above.
How to create effective Facebook Ad?
can adjust your price of the ad. If you have a good budget, than you
can pay through the suggested Bid which Facebook gives you. If you will
place the suggested bid, than your ad will be shown fastly on the entire
Facebook network. But if you choose your price and a low price, just
like me, i placed price for my ad 0.02 dollars, in this case due to low
price your ad will appear slowly on the entire network but, it will
bring quality traffic. This totally depends on WHAT IS YOUR BUDGET.
i think now you got the meaning of ALWAYS DRIVE TRAFFIC,NEVER BUY
TRAFFIC. You buy traffic through the networks like Linkbucks and you Drive traffic through facebook
like networks. Driving traffic will surely give you a better page rank
and many other gifts. In case of facebook ads, your ad is just shown to
the user and now it is his will that whether he wants to click or not.
Hope you enjoyed this little guide. :)