Add Dewplayer Playlist to your Websites and Blogs
You will need three things here,- The Flash File for the playlist i.e. dewplayer-playlist.swf
- The xml File for the playlist i.e. playlist.xml
- and most importantly the Mp3 file links
1) First thing first, upload your selected Mp3 files on a free hosting site. I recommend mydatanest
2) Next download and upload the Flash file also: Download SWF File
3) Copy the code below and save it in a notepad by giving the .xml extension,
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Before saving make these changes:
<playlist version="1" xmlns="">
<title>Ounage Playlist</title>
<info>The Best Playlist for Testing</info>
<location>MP3 LINK #1</location>
<title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>
<location>MP3 LINK #2</location>
<title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>
<location>MP3 LINK #2</location>
<title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>
- Replace MP3 LINK #1, 2, 3 with the Direct URLS of your uploaded mp3 files.
- Replace WRITE SONG TITLE HERE with the song name
- To add another track simply paste the following code just above </trackList>
<track>Now save your notepad file by giving it the .xml extension. To save the file go to File and then choose Save as.. See the screenshot below,
<location>MP3 LINK #4</location>
<title>WRITE SONG TITLE HERE</title>
4) Now upload the xml file on a free hosting site in similar manner as you did for uploading the swf and mp3 files.
5) Finally use the code below to add the Playlist anywhere on your website:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE" width="240" height="200"> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="movie" value="ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE" /> <param name="flashvars" value="xml=ADD XML FILE LINK HERE" /> </object>
- Replace ADD SWF FLASH FILE LINK HERE with the playlist swf link that you uploaded in step#2
- Replace ADD XML FILE LINK HERE with the XML file link that you uploaded in setp#4
- To change the height edit the yellow highlighted text.
That's all!
Apply all steps carefully and find a beautiful Mp3 Playlist Player on your websites just like this one: