I am only sharing here the new CSS code and HTML code. For remaining details kindly read the first release here:
Custom Like Box CSS Code
This is the new CSS code which you should use instead of the one I shared ealier,/* ------ MBT's Custom Like Box ----- */If you want to change the green fondt colour of the profile names then change this 289728
.fan_box a:hover{
text-decoration: none;
.fan_box .full_widget{
height: 200px;
border: 0 !important;
background: none !important;
position: relative;
.fan_box .connect_top{
background: none !important;
padding: 0 !important;
.fan_box .profileimage, .fan_box .name_block{
display: none;
.fan_box .connect_action{
padding: 0 !important;
.fan_box .connections{
padding: 4px !important;
margin:3px 0px 5px 0px!important;
border: 0 !important;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
color: #666;
color: #365899;
font-weight: bold;
padding:4px !important;
margin:3px 0px 5px 0px!important;
border:1px solid #E1E4ED;
border:1px solid #6383C1;
.fan_box .connections .connections_grid {
padding-top: 10px !important;
.fan_box .connections_grid .grid_item{
padding: 0 10px 10px 0 !important;
.fan_box .connections_grid .grid_item .name{
font-family: "lucida grande",tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;
font-weight: normal;
color: #289728 !important;
padding-top: 1px !important;
.fan_box .connect_widget{
position: absolute;
bottom: 0;
left: 0px;
margin: 0 !important;
.fan_box .connect_widget .connect_widget_interactive_area {
margin: 0 !important;
.fan_box .connect_widget td.connect_widget_vertical_center {
padding: 0 !important;
/*---------------MBT's Custom Like Box End--------------*/
Custom Like Box HTML and JavaScript Code
Place your like box anywhere you like by using this code,<style>Make these changes:
color: #365899;
font: bold 11px arial;
padding:3px !important;
margin:5px 0px!important;
border:1px solid #E1E4ED;
border:1px solid #6383C1;
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://static.ak.connect.facebook.com/js/api_lib/v0.4/FeatureLoader.js.php/en_US"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">FB.init("");</script>
<fb:fan profile_id="LIKE PAGE ID" stream="0" connections="10" width="350px" height="200px" header="0" logobar="0" css="STYLESHEET LINK"></fb:fan>
<div id="mbtlikebox"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; color:#365899;" href="LIKE PAGE URL">Visit the Like Page »</a><div style="float:right"><a href='http://www.mybloggertricks.com' style="text-decoration:none; color:#365899;">Widgets »</a></div></div>
- Replace LIKE PAGE ID with your Like Page User ID. Read the previous post for help.
- Replace STYLESHEET LINK with the link of your CSS file that you uploaded as made clear in our previous post.
- Replace LIKE PAGE URL with your Like Page link
All customization credits goes to MBT blog and DaddyDesigns. Web developers and bloggers are requested to link back to them if they wish to share the codes above with their readers.Troubleshooting
If you faced any problems or received Facebook rendering errors then you may kindly read this post:If you needed any help with regard to customizing the colors and look of Like box then feel free to post your query. Would be a pleasure to help you. Peace and blessings.