ascii-COMMENTSIf it is possible on Orkut, MySpace, MSN, YAHOO then why not Blogger! ASCII is a character encoding scheme that helps you to draw characters which are not available on normal keyboards. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII now. I have shared some examples below to give you an idea what a Blogger ASCII code will look like and I will also post the first comment to make sure no one takes my turn. =p This way is although not SEO friendly but sometimes you need to grab the authors attention! But please don't post ASCII comments on MBT as I will reply on time always! :>

 ere are some example made using a ASCII Text Generator

▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100%
─▀██▀───▀██▀─▀██──██─▀██▀▀ ▀─
─▄██▄▄█─▄██▄─▄██──██─▄██▄▄ ▄─ Thank you!

 ______  __                       __               __     
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 ::: :::  ::::: ::  ::::: ::   :: ::::   ::  
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 ___    _____  _____  _      _ 
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(¯`·._.·[ Oh Thank you Buddy! ]·._.·´¯)
°o.O Thank you Buddy! O.o°
×÷·.·´¯`·)» Thanks! «(·´¯`·.·÷×
<º))))><.·´¯`·.Thank you!¸.·´¯`·.¸><((((º>
----•(-•Thanks Thanks!•-)•----
»-(¯`v´¯)-» Loved it! »-(¯`v´¯)-»
;)°¨¨°º°¨¨°(*)(_.·´¯`·«¤°Thank you Pal!°¤»·´¯`·._)(*)°¨¨°º°¨¨°;)
«««««««Thank you Dude!»»»»»»»»

If you know another good ASCII Text generating website then please share it in the comments. Let us know what style have you got?