has developed enough that you can now convert your hand written
signature into a digital one with simple online tools. Mylivesignature
is a great tool that lets you create a digital signature for your self.
You can change its font size and font color along with font type and
signature slope. You can try using the wizard or their free hand tool to
sketch your signature in natural way. However I would prefer the wizard
tool which helps you by providing several editing options like font
color and background color. Click here to create one now!
After you have created the signature, right click the
image and choose "Save picture as" Then Upload it on blogger and follow
these steps to add it below every post,
- Go To blogger > Settings >Formatting
- Inside the Post Template box paste the following code,
<div style="float:left"><img src="Signature-Image-Link" border="0"/> </div>
Replace Signature-Image-Link with the URL of your upload image.
Click the save button and you are all done. Now you can see it
appearing below each post of your BlogSpot blogs. However if some of you
are looking for a way to add twitter headlines along with social media
buttons to your Gmail signatures then I guess you should really try wisestamp.
there you even create signatures with social media buttons and Twitter
feed in hotmail, yahoo and AOL. I hope you find this post helpful.