google-fonts-for-bloggerGoogle Fonts API as I previously mentioned in Part -1 of the post "How To use Google fonts in Blogger?"   is of immense importance when it comes to using any font style you wish for your web designs without having to bother whether or not the fonts are installed on a visitors computer or not. The fonts are stored on Google servers and you simply need to embed them in your templates to let the fonts appear on your blog. I demonstrated in great detail in Embedding Google fonts in Blogger Post  about how can you use the Google Fonts Previewer tool and add the embeddable code and CSS code to your Blogger templates. Today we will learn how would you use these font in Blogger posts, titles, block quotes, sidebars, headers, footers etc. Kindly see a demo first:
Google Fonts Demo

To learn how to do it simple follow up:

Choosing a Font Style and Embedding the Font

  1. Go To Google Font Previewer
  2. Choose Your selected font style and then copy the first line of code as shown below,
  This line will look similar to the one below,
<link  href= 
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" >
You will have to add a back slash "/" at the end of the above link like this,
<link  href= 
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
 3.  Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML 
  4.    Backup your template
  5.    Search For </head> and just above it paste the code you copied from Font previewer like this,
<link  href= 
rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
  6.  Save your template and follow the next part of the tutorial.

After you have embedded the font in your templates, you will have to apply the effects to selected areas of your blog like Header Title, Post title and Sidebar. To do that follow the steps below,

How To Style Post Titles in Blogger?

  1. Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
  2. Backup your template
  3. Search For the following code in blue,
.Post h3 {
....               }
    4. Inside the above code you will find this line or a similar one,
.Post h3 {
font-family: arial, verdana;
....               }
    5. Simply replace it with the Second Line which you can get from the font previewer
Like this,
.Post h3 {
font-family: 'Aclonica', serif;
....               }
   6.  Hit Save and you are done!
   7. Preview your blog to see your Post titles appearing beautifully!

How To Style Sidebar Titles in Blogger?

All steps are same as we discussed for post titles. Here instead of searching for .post h3, search for,
.Sidebar h2{
....               }
and replace the font-family with your Second Line of Code like this,
.Sidebar h2 {
font-family: 'Aclonica', serif;
....               }
Save your template to see the effect.

Ps: Since the CSS coding for each template may differ so feel free to ask me for any help if needed. Have Fun!