What are Labels?
Labels in
blogs are keywords that categorizes your entire blog content. They are
simple links to your posts. Labels should be mostly based on general and
specific keywords and should contain no more than three words. For
example If I am a Chef and I write a blog, I will make sure I label all
posts written on Asian dishes as "Asian Dishes" and those on Afghani dishes as "Afghan Food" and so on. This will help my readers to read all posts written on Asian Dishes by simply clicking the Asian Dishes label link.
labels that appear below my post titles tells my readers what category
does the post belong too. These labels also help widgets such as "Related Posts Widget"
to fetch related posts and present it to the reader and thus increase
engagement and pageviews. They are also one deciding factor of your
blog's bounce rate. When you provide your readers with more comfortable
options to navigate your blog, you are actually dropping your bounce
rate which means you are forcing visitors to spend more time on your
blog and that is indeed a great thing to do! So if you add labels wisely
your entire blog will look organized and your traffic will grow.
Do Search Engines Value Labels or Categories?
Search engines especially Google hates them!
That's why great emphasis was made in our last SEO posts to tag all
labels as noindex, nofollow. Since Labels takes robots to a dynamic page
therefore the page gets restricted by robots. By dynamic pages I mean,
pages where the content keeps on updating. For example whenever you
label a new post, you are adding a new post to your label page. This is just like updating a single post every single day which robots hate! Because
an update pings spiders to come and crawl your data again. Pinging
search engines to crawl the same page again and again is taken seriously
because it wastes precious time. After the latest Google Panda effect, bloggers were advised to tag all their labels as nofollow.
How to Choose correct labels?
at most 10-20 labels for your entire blog and always link new posts to
them. Take an example of labels used by MBT blog. Since I frequently
write on widgets, templates, blogging tips and SEO tips therefore I have
chosen these keywords for letting my users know what categories do the
blog offers for healthy reading. You can take an idea by looking at all
keywords I used in my label cloud.
Keep these points in mind:
- Use at most 20 labels for your entire blog
- Use at most three words for defining a label
- Give preference to short one word labels
- Use your main SEO keywords in your labels. (Not to help search engines but to help your visitors better understand the concept behind your blog)
- Link each post with relevant label. If a post doesn't relates to any category then create a general Label link and name it "Miscellaneous"
- Use no more than two or three labels for each post
all I had to share. If you wish to know how to create labels in
BlogSpot blogs and how to organize, delete or add labels then kindly
read this post: