You can now also use a custom name in Blogger Comments
you have a lengthy name like mine :p then may be you would like to use a
nick name instead when you publish new posts. This name will appear
normally like your profile name under your post titles and visitors can
see who the author is. By default in all BlogSpot blogs the name of the
author display is one with which appears in all his blogs. But sometimes
you may want a different name to be displayed if you own an associated
blog. I have also come up with a code that will display different author
names on label pages. I will share it soon.
Live Demo
How To Replace Author Name with a NICKNAME?
The steps are really simple,
- Go To Blogger > Design > Edit HTML
- Backup your template
- Click the "Expand Widgets Template"
- Search for this,
5. Replace it with your nickname. That's it!
How To Replace Author Name With an Image in Blogger?
You can also add an image instead of a text using the code below,
<img src="ADD IMAGE LINK HERE" border="0" />
a good quality image kindly keep your nickname image dimensions to be
150px by 20px. You can also add your signature to it in the form of a
gif image.
Hope you liked this new interesting trick that can add more colors to your blog.